Recycling & Nuisance Grounds
Single Stream Recycling at Nuisance Grounds (SE 15-17-11 W3):
Single Stream Recycling is available at the RM’s Nuisance Grounds. Single Stream Recycling means that you place all your recycling materials (fiber, plastics, tin and aluminum) unsorted into the BLUE Recycle bin. This includes: cardboard, boxboard, office paper, newsprint, junk mail, magazines & catalogues; plastic containers, milk cartons & plastic milk jugs, shrink wrap & plastic bags (plastics numbered 1 through 7 – no oil or chemical containers); tin and aluminum cans (cans must be clean with or without labels (no steel or auto parts). Not accepted is glass, Styrofoam, ceramics, light bulbs, soiled cardboard, hazardous chemical containers, scrap metal, car parts, or plastic toys.

Landfill Garbage and Recycling Bins are open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.
Do not leave garbage or recycling beside the bins or on the ground if full or for any other reason.
- We do not accept used tires at the site.
- Other items that SHALL NOT be deposited are manure, grain, straw or hay bales, petroleum wastes (including used oil filters), slaughter house wastes, dead animals, liquid domestic wastes, scrap vehicles, metals, appliances.
Report Illegal Dumping
The Government of Saskatchewan is asking you to report litter and illegal dumping to keep Saskatchewan beautiful into the future. Please call 1-800-667-7561 or #5555 from your SaskTel cellular device to report.